Today, I sat outside while it was raining. The Holy Spirit began an outpouring of revelation that came with the instructions to get something to write on and to share this with as many people as are willing to listen. The message was symbolic as to the rainfall that I was priviledged enough to witness. All glory be to God, for without His provided wisdom, I would not have had the opportunity to see the meaning in the rain.
This is the message I recieved from our Lord...
The rain is a symbol of our Fathers purification (purity). It will wash away all of our iniquity and cleanse us of the stain of sin. It symbolic of newness of life, for new things grow from the rain, and so also things come into being spiritually from the blessings of God The Father. It is also the symbol of The Father's provision to His beloved children. The rain grows things that nourish our earthly bodies and The Lord also provides nourishment for our spirit found in His word, The Holy Bile.
I saw a puddle and noticed how the water rippled with the landing of each drop of rain.
The Lord explained to me that just as a drop of rain makes the water in the puddle ripple, So it should be our Christian experience. When The Lord sends a blessing, an anointing, a revelation or prophecy to you through His providence, let us not as witnesses of Christ be afriad or selfish with it, and hold it all to our own little lives (raindrop), but rather let it ripple. Let it touch another believer's life. Share it with the unbeliever and th lost, that they may partake in the blessing of our savior and thereby give glory to God. Share your abundance with the less fortunate and share the revelations you recieve with others that it may strengthen them.
As I looked into that same puddle, a revelation came concerning my reflection. Remember that the rain is a symbol of God's purification, of cleansing and newness of life. As I gazed at my reflection I saw who I am today, where I am today and what I am today. I did not, however, see the past mistakes, the failures or the guilt. The cleansing and purification of The Lord is what brought me to this newness of life. It shaped the image I see today, brought me to where I am today and formed me into what I am today. And the Lord assured me that the future had many more reflective puddles in store.
The Lord then turned my attention to a tree, alive and flourishing with lemons. Just as in His word, The Lord spoke to my heart about bearing good fruit. The rain is symbolic of The Gospel, His truths, His promises and His will. As disciples of Christ, we are to stand firmly rooted in faith. We should lift our hands and arms (branches) towards Heaven in thanksgiving and anticipation of God's promised providence (rain). We should soak up and saturate ourselves with every fresh message so that it will nourish our spirits and help us to grow. By doing these things, we will live by His will so that our live, our walk would bear good fruit (lemons), that others could then draw from and nourish their spirits. We are to live to give glory to God by what is produced in our lives.
Lastly, amid the noise of car engines as they past by on the street, the buzz of an airplane overhead, even amid the beautiful sound of birds chirpping after the rainfall, I heard something ever so quietly in the background. It was slow, almost rhythmic sound of water dripping on the rock below. As I listened more closely, I could hear the words of our Father concerning His son, Jesus. "This is my Son, who is the rock of the salvation of all men. Give Him some of your time. Quiet yourselves so that you may hear Him speak to you. Build your life upon this rock and blessings will rain down upon you. His is the still small voice amid the hustle and bustle. His is the soothing voice amoung all the noise and confusion the enemy surrounds us with. Hs is the rhythm of life."
I hope that this message touches you the way that it did me. I give all glory and honor to God for entrusting me with a responsibility such as this. I love you in Christ, and pray that the peace and the blessings and the anointing of The Father would be upon your lives and those you love.
Brother Cosmo L. Recuparo